*Each person is individually assessed and appropriate craft/ play activities are selected accordingly.
*Each person is treated equally.
*If an activity is deemed ‘too risky’ for an individual, for example going to the park, then this can be discussed with an appropriate person to resolve the matter in a meaningful way.
*All equipment/ supplies are inspected on each use.
*Equipment safely stored.
*Studio will be inspected daily for potential hazards/ risks and dealt with immediately.
*Equipment/ materials replaced if deemed ‘not fit for purpose’.
*Activities are supervised at all times.
*All activities and materials will be communicated appropriately prior to use.
*First Aid kit is fully stocked and easily accessed with basic first aid equipment.
*Clients are to sit whilst eating/ drinking to minimise choking risk.
*Attendance sheet MUST be completed by parent/ guardian for under 18’s, detailing any special needs/ allergy status of attendee.
*A phone will be accessible at all times, in case of an emergency.